Mtechtips MCX-SX EURINR INTRADAY trading analysis 04-01-2017

Mtechtips MCX-SX EURINR INTRADAY trading analysis 04-01-2017 MTECHTIPS Euro is weakening against Indian Rupee .Currently Euro is moving sideways The EURINR is now trading in oversold level. The EURINR is now trading in oversold level. The oscillator is showing BUY signal .In last 1 month volatality is very less and fresh Buy can be considered in the EURINR if it close above72.43 or buy with strict stop at 70.3. The EURINR is now trading in oversold level. The EURINR is now trading in oversold level. The oscillator is showing BUY signal For short term Euro is in HOLD LONG position.Positionally Support for EURINR is 70.95-.Resistance for the EURINR is 71.57-72.12-72.83-73.49-74.01-74.83- In medium term Euro is relatively strengthening against Dollar- Pound- In long term Euro is relatively strengthening against Dollar- Pound- Short term and Intraday Level of Euro with Rupee Currently EURINR is in HOLD LONG position EURINR is in sideways but the trend looks weak so better buy above 72.1425 or hold with stop at 71.22 The oscillator is showing SELL signal Intraday Trend- Sell if open below 70.988 with stop loss at 71.563 or sell below 70.838Buy is not advised till it cross 71.713 WWW.MTECHTIPS.COM 07489294118-119
Published on Jan 4 2017 11:22AM, by MTECHTIPS in Currency| Share This

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